Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Puerto Rican Problem: Do I LOOK Dominican ?!

The ONE thing Puerto Rican's hate is when someone asks them "Are you Dominican?"  I honestly despise people when they ask me if im Dominican. One do i even LOOK like im Dominican.  I mean obviously there are some similarities between the two, but come on. First of all whenever you see a spanish person and want to know where their from, ask them where they are from, instead of making quick assumptions.  Because WE ALL KNOW what happens when people ASSUME!!!!! So before asking a Puerto Rican if they are Dominican, think again, reword your question, and ask.  If you follow that procedure you will avoid the raft of a MAD PUERTO RICAN !!!! Being asked if your Dominican when your Puerto Rican, is a MAJOR Puerto Rican problem. 

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